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The mission of the Office of Academic Affairs is to lead and coordinate the thirteen departments and graduate schools to sustain excellence in educational administration. The job description is as follows: 
1. Conducting Entrance Exams for recruiting qualified students. The Office of Academic Affairs conducts all annual examinations for Master and Ph.D. programs of graduate schools, the undergraduate program, two-year college program, and extended education programs for police sergeants, firefighter sergeants and maritime sergeants.
2. Establishing educational guidelines for departments and graduate schools to carry on curriculums. We offer courses, arrange qualified teachers and school timetables, and conduct teaching reviews. We also coordinate inter-department, inter-graduate school and inter-collegiate courses.
3. Carrying out summer internship for students to acquire on-the-job experience and professional ability. We conduct summer intern programs in various police units for junior and sophomore students.
4. Rewarding teachers for their research publications. We encourage all faculty members to publish the results of research in journals and related texts. Our Office also edits two journals, "Police Science Bimonthly" and "Law Enforcement Review" in order to enhance the professional and educational standard of our school.