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A New Experience in International Police Academic Exchange: Visiting the National Palace Museum to Explore the Evolution and Craftsmanship of Ancient Weapons.

publish date : 2024-05-29
In response to the trends of globalization, our university is actively promoting international police exchanges and cooperation, including the enrollment of foreign students for advanced studies. Currently, the university is home to 26 international students from countries such as Indonesia, the Philippines, and Thailand. Regular international academic exchanges, off-campus visits, and seminars are organized with the aim of enhancing interaction and engagement with these foreign students.

Our university's academic planning for international students includes not only formal classroom learning and various activities but also adopts the concept of the "flipped classroom." This approach encourages foreign students to step out of the classroom and participate in field visits, integrating theoretical knowledge with practical experiences. These activities not only enhance the learning experiences of the foreign students but also promote international academic and cultural exchanges.

On May 17, 2024, the university's International Academic Exchange Committee, led by Professor Zhang Weirong, Director of the Department of International Affairs and Foreign Police Studies, who also serves as a mentor to the foreign students, guided 20 foreign graduate and undergraduate students from Indonesia, Paraguay, Thailand, and the Philippines on a visit to the National Palace Museum to explore the exhibition titled *Rituals and Warfare: The Art of Ancient Weaponry*. The purpose of this visit was to provide foreign students with a deeper understanding of the evolution of ancient weaponry and its significant role in war, rituals, and culture through the display of historical artifacts.

This visit gave the foreign students the opportunity to witness firsthand the exquisite craftsmanship and historical development of ancient weapons, leaving them deeply impressed and enriched. Through this immersive learning experience, the students not only gained a deeper understanding of diverse historical cultures but also looked forward to bringing the knowledge and memories back to their home countries, applying them in their future careers, and sharing these experiences with others.
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